Around the World With Coffee: Luxury Coffee Beans

Coffee is a well-known beverage all over the globe, and there are also several regional variations. As such, the coffee industry in Australia generates more than 10 billion AUD each year, which is a tribute to the number of coffee enthusiasts. These individuals like their coffee and are continuously looking for better brands, roasts, suppliers, and other factors that will improve their overall coffee drinking experience. Several individuals even possess professional coffee machines in Australia, which they use to prepare the ideal cup of coffee daily.  You can also check this coffee site, tips for home baristas.

Even though Australia does not have indigenous coffee beans, recognised manufacturers supply world-class coffee accessories, ranging from mugs to coffee machines, allowing coffee lovers to prepare the greatest cup of joe. People can also always quickly get uncommon beans from various offline and online retailers in Australia, each of which has a distinct flavour to offer.

Unique Flavours From Unique Locations

Several areas and nations throughout the globe are well-known for the quality of their coffee beans. These locations may have distinctive growth techniques, soil compositions, coffee bean species, and other characteristics that distinguish them from other places.

Jamaica’s Blue Mountains

Despite having a unique and exotic name like blue mountain Jamaican coffee, these beans do not disappoint due to their smooth yet full-bodied flavour and acidic character. Rich, fruity, and flowery flavours characterise the coffee’s flavour, making it a very memorable cup of coffee. Meanwhile, not all Jamaican coffee from the Blue Mountains makes the cut, and only the highest-quality beans are certified and sent to markets throughout the globe. And because of these stringent criteria, it is an uncommon coffee bean to find on the market.

From the Ethiopian Slopes

While Ghana is known for its cocoa, Ethiopia is known for its coffee. The Geisha town in Ethiopia produces the most fabulous Ethiopian coffee. However, this variety is most suited for growing in Panama. Geisha coffee, which originates in the Gesha region, has a sweet caramel-like flavour that is pleasing to the palate. Even though this variety of coffee is now grown in over ten countries, it is still considered a rarity on the market. Moreover, this coffee requires exact conditions to produce the finest beans, making it a high-end coffee beverage.

The Most Expensive Coffee in the World

The “exotic” treatment given to Kopi Luwak coffee was disclosed through a recent social media trend. Palm civets digest the coffee beans, and their fluids ferment the coffee cherries, resulting in a delicious coffee cup. These cherries then produce coffee beans with a distinct flavour so hard to come by that it is considered a luxury. People who are not turned off by this might experiment with these beans and reward themselves with a cup of coffee that has a delicious chocolate flavour. But before purchasing their Kopi Luwak beans, it is critical to do extensive research about the company.

From the Indonesian island of Sumatra

Sumatra is an Indonesian island located off the coast of the country. And, Sumatran coffee is well-known worldwide for its deep earthy flavour, and the island of Sumatra is home to four distinct varieties of coffee beans. 

Mandheling coffee is one of the most well-known Sumatran-grown beans, thanks to its smooth but dark flavour and its origin in Sumatra. The volcanic soil is suitable for growing these beans, which have a herbal and woody flavour and are often used in cooking. Meanwhile, for people to enjoy the flavour, they must have it in their mouths first.

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From the Sands of the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii is the only state in the United States that produces indigenous coffee, namely the exquisite coffee bean known as Kona coffee. There are other types of this coffee, but the Peaberry Kona is the most well-known for its taste. Coffee from Kona has a velvety, chocolaty feel on the tongue, and it is shallow in acidity. Peaberry Kona also has the additional advantages of the coffee cherry, making it a more nutritious choice overall.

In a typical year, the average Australian consumes around 2 kilogrammes of coffee. Although, coffee enthusiasts may drink a more significant number of units. And people may now prepare barista-style coffee at home, thanks to the widespread availability of commercial coffee machines in Australia. And according to the company, when they combine these unusual beans with their coffee equipment, consumers may enjoy a unique beverage that cannot be found anywhere else in Australia.