29 Demon Names Female For 2024

The traditional image of demons often conjures up a red-skinned, horned male figure, frequently depicted with a pitchfork. This stereotype, however, doesn’t fully represent the diversity and complexity found in mythological and cultural depictions of demons, especially female ones. Female demons, or demonesses, are portrayed in a myriad of ways across various cultures, each with unique attributes and stories. Let’s explore 29 female demon names that illustrate this variety, highlighting their origins and characteristics. This list aims to provide a fresh perspective on the concept of demon names female for 2024.


Abyzou, the sinister female demon lurking in the annals of ancient myth and folklore, casts a shadow of dread over the realm of maternity. Revered in various traditions for her power to inflict suffering upon pregnant women and newborns, Abyzou embodies the primal fear of maternal harm. Her name, shrouded in obscurity, hints at an entity driven by jealousy and malice, haunting the vulnerable moments of childbirth with the ominous threat of miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant mortality. Abyzou’s presence serves as a stark reminder of the age-old anxieties surrounding the fragility of life and the ever-present specter of supernatural forces capable of disrupting the sanctity of family life.

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Echidna, a prominent figure in Greek mythology, is often described as a female monster, known as the “Mother of Monsters.” It is thought that she is the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, the titans of the sea. The most famous thing about Echidna is that she gave birth to a lot of scary and fabled animals, like the Sphinx, the Hydra, the Orthrus, the Nemean Lion, and the Chimera, all of which were important figures in Greek mythology.While she is associated with these monstrous offspring, Echidna herself is not typically characterized as a demon in the modern sense, but rather as a mythological figure who added depth and challenge to the ancient Greek.

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Akhkhazu, from Akkadian mythology, is a female demon known for bringing fever and plagues. Her alternative name is Ahhazu, and she has a Sumerian counterpart named Dimme-kur. Akhkhazu is often referred to as “the seizer,” and she is part of a trio of female demons which includes Labasu and Labartu. This group of demons is notable for their malevolent activities, particularly in causing illnesses and epidemics. Despite the word “Akhkhazu” having a male gender, the character is described as having a female nature in the myths.

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Al Basty 

Al Basty is a figure from ancient Sumerian mythology. This spirit is often associated with the concept of guilt, embodying the personification of this emotion. In Sumerian lore, Al Basty represents the complexities and cultural significances attributed to guilt, making her a unique and symbolic figure in their mythological pantheon. Her role and characteristics in Sumerian myths offer insights into the ancient Sumerians’ perspectives on morality and the supernatural. For a more detailed understanding of Al Basty’s place in Sumerian mythology, further research and exploration of Sumerian mythological texts and studies are recommended

Agrat bat Mahlat

Agrat bat Mahlat, a name shrouded in mystique and darkness, emerges from Jewish mystical traditions as a female demon or spirit associated with seduction, dreams, and night terrors. As one of the succubi, she is believed to entice and haunt men, often in the realm of dreams, akin to other infamous demon queens like Lilith and Naamah. Agrat bat Mahlat’s presence in folklore underscores humanity’s enduring fascination with exploring the intricate facets of femininity, desire, and the enigmatic realms of the subconscious, making her a captivating figure in the tapestry of supernatural lore.

Anna Maruthu

Anna Maruthu, originating from South Indian mythology, is a less commonly known mythical figure. The details about her are sparse and not as widely documented as other mythological entities. In the broader context of South Indian folklore, many mythical beings often represent aspects of nature, human emotions, or moral values. However, the specific attributes, stories, or cultural significance of Anna Maruthu are not well-defined in widely available sources. For a more in-depth understanding, one might need to delve into regional folklore texts or studies focusing on South Indian mythology.


Ajatar, also known as Ajattara, Aiatar, and Aijotar, is a demon from Finnish mythology. She is said to reside in the Pohjola mountains, traditionally considered fictional, but some modern interpretations liken Pohjola to Scandinavia. Described as the granddaughter of a Hiisi, a forest giant with dominion over disease, Ajatar inherits similar powers. She commands gnomes and is associated with the pagan deity Lempo. Her appearance varies in descriptions: older sources depict her as a wild woman with long hair, while modern interpretations sometimes portray her as a dragon or a half-human, half-snake entity.


The Aswang is a creature from Filipino folklore, often described as a vampiric demon spirit. This entity is known for its shape-shifting abilities, often transforming into animals or other forms. Aswangs are notorious in Philippine culture for their malevolence and predatory nature, particularly towards pregnant women and young children. The folklore surrounding Aswangs varies across regions in the Philippines, but they are commonly feared and are a popular subject in various Philippine mythological stories and films.

Ardat Lili

Ardat Lili is an entity from ancient Sumerian mythology, often characterized as a succubus. She is associated with night demons and is believed to have been a malevolent spirit who harmed people. The lore around Ardat Lili typically involves themes of seduction and danger, common in tales of succubi. Her story reflects the ancient Sumerians’ beliefs and fears regarding supernatural entities and their influence on the living world.


Alecto is a figure from Greek mythology, known as one of the Furies. Her name means “relentless and unending anger.” It was thought that she and the other Furies had left Earth when something happened to the Titan Cronus and his father Uranus. Alecto can also be found in Roman legend., notably in the “Aeneid,” where she is commanded by Juno to incite the Latins against the Trojans. Alecto’s actions contribute significantly to the conflict in the story, although Juno later takes over the war efforts to avoid further divine intervention.


Batibat, in Filipino folklore, is a vengeful female demon. Originating from Ilocano mythology, she is known to reside in trees and becomes malevolent when her abode is disturbed. Batibat is infamous for causing nightmares, particularly the deadly phenomenon known as “banging,” where she is said to suffocate sleeping individuals. Her legend is a cautionary tale about respecting nature and being mindful of the unseen spirits that inhabit the natural world.

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Ammit is a unique figure in Ancient Egyptian mythology. She’s depicted as a lion with a crocodile’s head, but unlike many demons, Ammit isn’t inherently evil. Instead, she’s seen as an agent of divine justice. This perception stems from her role in the afterlife judgment process. In this process, overseen by the god Anubis, the hearts of the dead are weighed against the Feather of Truth. Should a heart be heavier, signifying a life of wrongdoings, Ammit would consume the soul, preventing it from entering the afterlife. This represents a balance of fear and respect in Egyptian beliefs regarding the afterlife.


Dzoavits is a figure in mythology known for his ability to make people more susceptible to other demons. His role in mythological narratives typically revolves around influencing individuals, thereby making them more vulnerable to demonic influences. This aspect of Dzoavits highlights a theme common in many mythologies, where certain entities possess the power to weaken human defenses against supernatural forces.


Eisheth is a figure from Jewish mythology, often associated with demonic and dark themes. She is depicted as a powerful entity with a significant role in mythological narratives. The details about Eisheth and her actions in these stories are intricate and complex, adding depth to the mythological tapestry of Jewish folklore. Her character is indicative of the multifaceted nature of figures in mythological tales.


The Berberoka is a mythical creature from Filipino folklore. Known as a swamp demon, the Berberoka lures its victims, typically fishermen, by draining the water from pools and revealing the fish. When people approach to gather the fish, the Berberoka releases the water back, drowning them. This creature represents a cautionary tale in the folklore, warning of the dangers of greed and the deceptive nature of seemingly easy rewards. The story of the Berberoka reflects the rich tapestry of myth and legend in Filipino culture.


Ereshkigal is a prominent deity in Mesopotamian mythology, known as the goddess of death and the underworld. Her domain is the realm of the dead, where she reigns with formidable power. Ereshkigal’s role is central to the Mesopotamian understanding of the afterlife and death. She is often depicted as a stern and unyielding figure, embodying the inevitability of death and the finality of the underworld. Her presence in mythology underscores the ancient Mesopotamians’ views on mortality and the afterlife.


Hecate is a prominent figure in Greek mythology, often associated with witchcraft, magic, and the moon. She is depicted as a powerful goddess who presides over crossroads, necromancy, and various forms of sorcery. Hecate’s role in mythology is multifaceted, embodying aspects of protection, guidance, and transitions. Her presence is often invoked in rituals and spells, emphasizing her influence in the mystical and supernatural realms. Hecate’s character stands as a symbol of the ancient Greeks’ understanding and reverence for the mystical and unknown aspects of life.


In Buddhist mythology, Mara is a demon that embodies temptation. He is known for his efforts to distract and divert individuals from the path of enlightenment. Mara’s most famous encounter is with the Buddha, where he attempted to disrupt Buddha’s journey to enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. This confrontation symbolizes the struggle against the inner demons of desire, fear, and doubt. Mara’s role in these narratives highlights the challenges faced in the pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a notable character in Slavic folklore, often depicted as a fearsome witch. She is famously known for living in a mystical hut that stands on chicken legs. Baba Yaga plays various roles in folk tales, typically portrayed as a menacing figure. Her character is complex, sometimes acting as a source of guidance or wisdom, despite her intimidating appearance and reputation. Her stories are rich with symbolism and are integral to Slavic folklore, illustrating the cultural significance of mythical figures in understanding the natural and supernatural world.


Tiamat is a primordial goddess from Mesopotamian mythology, often associated with the ocean and the concept of chaos. She is a central figure in the Babylonian creation myth, representing the chaos of primordial waters. Her narrative is crucial in understanding ancient Mesopotamian views on creation and the cosmos. Tiamat’s story and symbolism are deeply ingrained in the mythological and cultural fabric of the region.

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Ereshkigal is a significant deity in Mesopotamian mythology, revered as the goddess of the underworld. She is a powerful figure, ruling the realm of the dead, and her presence in the mythology underscores the Mesopotamian understanding of death and the afterlife. Ereshkigal’s domain is separate from the world of the living, and her stories often explore themes of mortality, judgment, and the transition from life to death.


Jezebeth is a demoness from biblical lore, associated with falsehoods and lies. She represents the embodiment of deceit and is often invoked in contexts relating to dishonesty and misleading actions. Her presence in these narratives serves as a symbol of the dangers and moral consequences of straying from truth and integrity. Jezebeth’s role in mythology highlights the importance of honesty and truthfulness in various cultural and religious teachings.


Cailleach is a figure from Gaelic mythology, often depicted as a witch goddess associated with winter and destruction. She symbolizes the harshness of winter and is believed to control the weather and the elements. The Cailleach is a transformative figure, representing the cycle of death and rebirth, a reflection of the changing seasons. Her mythology offers insight into how ancient Gaelic cultures understood and personified the natural world, particularly the formidable aspects of the environment.

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Poison as a female demon, embodies the dark and treacherous aspects of supernatural lore, often found in various mythologies and folklore around the world. She is the embodiment of malevolence and is often associated with deception, seduction, and the corruption of the innocent. Poison’s presence in mythology serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, and a reflection of humanity’s fascination with exploring the dualities of good and evil within the realm of the supernatural. Whether in literature, art, or oral traditions, Poison remains a captivating and enigmatic figure, a symbol of the primal fears and desires that have permeated human consciousness for centuries.

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Tiamat, an ancient Mesopotamian deity, stands as a formidable and iconic figure in Babylonian mythology. Often depicted as a primordial sea goddess, Tiamat’s significance lies in her role as the creator of the cosmos and her subsequent transformation into a monstrous, chaotic force that sought to destroy it. In the epic tale of Enuma Elish, she engages in a cataclysmic battle against her offspring, symbolizing the eternal struggle between order and chaos. Tiamat’s legacy endures as a symbol of the ever-present tension between creation and destruction, a recurring theme in mythologies across the ages.


Mormo, though less known than some other supernatural entities, occupies a place in Greek and Roman mythology as a female demon associated with the terrifying aspect of motherhood. Often depicted as a monstrous figure, Mormo was believed to roam the night, preying upon children and infants. She embodies the fears surrounding maternal care and the vulnerability of the youngest members of society, serving as a cautionary tale in ancient cultures about the importance of vigilance and protection for the most defenseless.

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Nyx, a prominent figure in Greek mythology, is the personification of the night and darkness. She emerges from Chaos, the primordial void, and is often depicted as a powerful and enigmatic goddess. Nyx’s dominion over the night symbolizes the mysteries and hidden aspects of the cosmos, while her offspring, including Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), represent the essential elements of life’s cycle. Her presence in Greek mythology underscores the significance of the night and its role in the grand tapestry of existence, reminding us of the eternal dance between light and darkness in the ancient world’s cosmological beliefs.

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The siren, a captivating and perilous creature of Greek mythology, has transcended time to become a symbol of irresistible allure and danger. These seductive beings, often depicted as half-woman, half-bird, possess enchanting voices that draw sailors to their doom, luring them into the treacherous waters with their haunting songs. The myth of sirens serves as a cautionary tale, exploring themes of temptation and the perils of succumbing to one’s desires. Through the ages, sirens have persisted in literature, art, and culture, reminding us of the enduring fascination with the enigmatic and the price of yielding to its call.

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Laverna, a lesser-known deity in Roman mythology, personifies the concepts of thievery, fraud, and deception. Often portrayed as a shadowy figure, she embodies the hidden aspects of deceit and cunning. Laverna was revered by those who engaged in less-than-honest pursuits, and her cult served as a place for secret rites and rituals associated with illicit activities. Her presence in Roman mythology reflects the ancient fascination with the darker facets of human behavior and the acknowledgment of the complexities surrounding morality in society.

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In the world of demons, female names have remained enigmatic and captivating, offering a unique lens through which we can explore complex themes of empowerment, gender, and societal expectations. As we stand on the precipice of 2024, these names continue to evolve and shape contemporary art, literature, and culture.

The allure of Lilith’s defiance, Hecate’s mystical power, and Lamia’s seduction persists in our collective imagination, reminding us of the ever-present tension between light and darkness, submission and rebellion. These names serve as a testament to the enduring human fascination with the enigmatic and the forbidden.