Does CBD Interact with Medications?

CBD-infused products appear to be all the rage these days, offering help from a broad variety of ailments ranging from sleeplessness and hot flashes to chronic pain and seizures. Some of these assertions are legitimate, while others are pure hyperbole. However, it can’t hurt to try, can it? Not quite yet. CBD is a physiologically active molecule, and as such, it may have unwanted side effects. These include both known and unanticipated interactions with vitamins, herbal items, and over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs.

How Is Cannabidiol (CBD) Metabolized? 

At the top of a medical prescription paper, a cannabis leaf, a bottle of CBD oil, a stethoscope, pills, and a container of hemp buds are displayed. 

The pace at which drugs and other therapeutic chemicals are broken down into their various metabolites and the duration of their presence in the body are determined by drug metabolism. 

When you consume CBD as CBD hemp capsules,oil or gummy, it must travel through your gut, where it is absorbed into the circulation. They subsequently move via the circulation to the liver, where they are absorbed via the hepatic portal. The liver breaks down CBD into metabolites, which are then circulated throughout the body via circulation.

What types of medication interactions can occur when CBD is used? 

Numerous drugs, including CBD, are metabolized by a wide family of liver enzymes known as CYP450. 

CBD inhibits several members of this family of enzymes, and this causes certain medications to be metabolized more slowly, which may increase adverse effects unless your doctor lowers the dose. On the other hand, CBD activates more members of this family of enzymes, which accelerates the breakdown of some medications, perhaps making them less effective unless the dose is raised. 

As an example, you may suffer greater adverse effects if you combine CBD with the following medications: 

  • Antidepressant medications (such as fluoxetine or Prozac) 
  • Medications that have the potential to produce drowsiness (antipsychotics, benzodiazepines) 
  • Antibiotics containing macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin) 
  • Medication for the heart (some calcium channel blockers) 
  • “There is still much confusion regarding how CBD interacts with the body’s drug-metabolizing enzymes. We know that CBD affects some drug-metabolizing enzymes, but not others, and there are many others for which we lack information,” Dr. Bemben explains.

CBD Can Be Used Safely in Conjunction With Other Medication 

While CBD and other CBD products can interact with around 60% of prescription drugs, there are various safe methods to combine CBD and other pharmaceuticals.  To begin, never discontinue giving your pet any medicine prescribed by your veterinarian without consulting them first. This is true for both medications that may interact with CBD and those that do not. 

There are several small things you can do to increase the safety of CBD, from starting with a smaller dose than usual to scheduling when CBD should be administered to allow for the breakdown of the prescription medicine first. These are issues that your veterinarian can assist you with. Additionally, they can monitor blood plasma levels to check that your pet’s medicine is being digested appropriately or to see whether a dose modification is necessary. 

At times, CBD is lauded for its capacity to reduce dependency on or the dose of prescription drugs. One explanation for this is that CBD itself has several advantages. However, another possibility is that CBD is increasing the strength of other medicine in the body. 

Finally, even if your pet cannot consume CBD owing to a medicine interaction, all hope is not lost. CBD, as well as hemp and cannabis products, have therapeutic chemicals that may be applied topically. CBD lotions, salves, and creams are excellent for relieving surface-level aches and pains, skin breakouts, and inflammation, among other conditions. These products work by preventing CBD from entering the circulation and interacting with Cytochrome p450 enzymes. 

The skin is the biggest organ and the first line of defense against pathogens that may cause the body significant stress. Incorporating CBD and hemp into your pet’s skincare routine is an excellent method to promote overall wellness.

Also read: Why is it better to Choose Organic CBD Oil?

Significant Takeaways Regarding CBD-Drug Interactions 

Major health organizations have validated CBD’s safety profile, including the World Health Organization (WHO), demonstrating that animals and people will tolerate it and seldom cause harmful side effects. 

Additionally, CBD has a substantial effect on various systems, which accounts for its medicinal flexibility. That said, this adaptability is also why CBD interacts with many prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) PRODUCTS. 

Again, if you’re unsure whether CBD may interfere with any medications you’re already taking, consulting a health expert will not damage you compared to attempting to determine these interactions on your own.