How to Prepare Your Bedroom Before Marriage

Are you ready for the grand commitment of getting married and finally moving in together?

You will need more than just love to live together.

You will be sharing space together, and your bedroom will speak volumes about your relationship. If she is moving into your house, you will need to revamp your bedroom to convey class and maturity.

A bedroom is a man’s sanctuary – it’s your man cave, it’s the space where you can relax and feel good about yourself. And what you have in your bedroom can alter your and your partner’s mood in any way. You will want your bedroom to look cooler, be sophisticated, and convey class, which is why certain changes need to be made – and we will tell you how.

Luxury Bedding

Everyone knows that women are sensual beings, taking everything in using all of their five senses, which is why composing an inviting atmosphere should be your top priority. That side, while your entire collection of bedding and sheets doesn’t have to be fancy, keep a couple of luxurious and nice sheets for your initial post-wedding nights.

The luxurious bedding and satin sheets are the entire environments that will induce the intimate vibe, feel, and touch. Luxury bedding is a necessity for a romantic relationship – by treating your bed, you will be pampering your partner; speaking of which, treating your bed means so much more than buying the right sheets.

Make sure you have an attractive bed and a comfortable mattress that you can find at Consider investing in textured pillows, euro shams, fluffy throw blankets, and a high-quality duvet. In the end, it all boils down to how you and your partner feel.

Add Wall Art

This is something you probably never thought about before – that is, before you were ready to share your bedroom space with your better half. If you want your room to be classy and sophisticated simultaneously, you must add wall art.

Remove all those “Star Wars” and “Guns N’ Roses” posters, and instead replace them with wall canvas. There are a variety of options to choose from, but for the extra touch of class and sophistication, we recommend going for abstract wall art.

Not only does abstract wall art look cool, but your partner will think that you are cool, have class, and artistic – all boxes checked.

Green Plants

This is definitely an adult decision to make, especially when the aesthetics in your bedroom is kind of muted; you can make the room pop by adding freshness to it with hints of life here and there. Place one on your work desk and one near the window.

If your girl sees it, she will instantly know that you are not some kind of slob; instead, more of a refined and essentially sophisticated guy.

While indoor plants are great for removing indoor pollutants, they also make the bedroom appear instantly fresh and clean. If you think that you cannot care for real green plants, you can also place fake green plants – the effect will be very much similar to the real plants, which is basically inducing bright energy to the interior space.

Place a Soft Rug

As a man, you might have some difficulty appreciating the different textures of a rug that will stand in strong contrast to the floor, but trust us when we tell you that a fluffy rug feels exceptionally good on your feet, especially in the cold season. The plush feeling of the rug will make you and your girl so much happier.

Besides, by placing a soft rug near your bed, getting up and out of bed in the mornings will be instantly easier – all you need to do is to provide your feet a soft place to land on first thing in the morning.

If you have wall-to-wall carpeting installed in your bedroom, adding a layer of the soft and fluffy rug will instantly boost the coziness and warmth of your bed, which will also add to the romantic vibe in the room, making you and your partner all snuggled up.

Lighting & Bed Arrangement

The right lighting works like a soft whisper – it demands physical intimacy and closeness. While candles are nice, we recommend opting for scented candles. Place bedside lamps on both sides, and pay attention to mood lighting, which should be just enough light to get through the room and see each other.

You might want to install an automated light system so you don’t have to fumble with the switchboard in the room when you and your significant other enter the room. Don’t make the mistake of installing a chandelier right above the bed – your bedroom is for relaxing and being intimate. You don’t need harsh light in there.

Automated Temperature

Another factor to focus on besides the interior décor, furniture, and bedding, is the room temperature. We recommend getting an automatic room temperature control system, the benefits of which are manifold. For instance, you can set the room temperature, music, and lighting even before both of you reach home.

Ideally, you wouldn’t want your bedroom to be too hot or too cold – it should be perfectly comfortable so that your romantic moments with your partner can last. That said, a little home automation system can go a long way. Your woman will be looking out for essential signs of class, thoughtfulness, availability, and maturity, and an automated room temperature system will greatly impact the bedroom’s look and feel.

Final Thoughts

A romantic relationship or a marriage is all about finding joy in life’s everyday moments. It is also about celebrating coziness, warmth, family, and being there for one another. While other areas of your house might give out subtle signs about who you are, your bedroom is the ultimate sanctuary where you and your partner can be yourselves, retreat from the world, and celebrate your togetherness in the right atmosphere. By preparing your bedroom before marriage, you will be setting off your journey of togetherness in the right way.