How to Tell if the Relay Switch on a Fridge is Bad

Noticing that the refrigerator isn’t cooling as well as it used to is a sign of something being wrong with the relay switch. You may notice this problem when you first buy your fridge or after years of heavy use, but either way, you need to get it diagnosed with Thermador refrigerator repair services.

If you’ve ever had an ice-cold glass of water out of the new refrigerator only to find yourself thirsty again ten minutes later, chances are there’s something wrong with the fridge’s relay switch. Even though this part is responsible for directing coolant through different parts of your appliance to maintain its ideal temperature, it can become damaged over time due to wear and tear. So, let’s look at How to Tell if the Relay Switch on a Fridge Is Bad.

Content to explore 

  1. Capacitor discharging tool
  2. Remove the metal cover
  3. How the wires are connected
  4. Set the function switch
  5. Again, Turn the relay upside down
  6. Turn the relay upside down for the third time

Capacitor discharging tool

It is important to use the right tools for discharging capacitors. Be sure you have assembled your capacitor-discharging tool and attached alligator clips from jumper wires onto leads on 20,000 Ohm wire-wound power resistor as well as attaching other ends of these same type of device to prevent screwdriver heads from being welded together during this delicate process where the current flow will be limited but not stopped completely so it can occur easily with minimum risks involved when handling live voltage without danger or injury.

Remove the metal cover

The refrigerator is a big metal box that uses electricity to operate. When you plug it in. So, the cold air comes out and makes. Our homes are more comfortable by keeping us from sweating when we’re inside all day! There are two things I always have trouble with: unplugging my appliance. Also, figuring out how many volts there were on their cord before. So, they went away from being safely grounded (I did not want any sparks). Once this has been taken care of, simply pull hard against it. So,  these walls while simultaneously pushing towards them. Well, until everything disengages easily without too much sound coming up through your fingers.

How the wires are connected

Once you have pulled the female connector off of its terminal, grasp it with long-nosed pliers. Be careful not to apply too much force when removing them because these connectors get very tight and can break if handled roughly. Take an image or draw how all wires connect to the switch. So, don’t worry about following color coding just yet! Once everything has been connected correctly take note of which wire goes where. So, there will be no trouble later down the line.

Set the function switch

If your multimeter shows zero when you test for continuity in the X1 Ohms range with no load. So, then it’s most likely not working properly. Turn off all of the appliances that are running at this time and check if there is power coming out from somewhere else on either side (away) terminals but make sure nothing clips into place because you don’t want them shorting together! If everything looks good after powering down again, repeat these steps by re-setting switches back to their original positions before starting testing again only now instead of pressing “S&M” which stands for switches 1 & 2 respectively. Further if facing problems in the fridge then contact KitchenAid appliance repair in Atlanta

Again, Turn the relay upside down

Touch the meter probes to terminals “S” and “L.” The LCD should display 0 volts, then turn it right side up again. Your meters are now set at Ohm’s law!

Turn the relay upside down for the third time

Often, a failed relay will show itself by not being able to turn the power off or on. If this sounds like your problem and you have been troubleshooting unsuccessfully for other issues, then it’s time that we replace those old junky relays with new ones! To get started though there are steps that need to be taken in exactly reverse order from how they should go when installing—so Start with o/-negative terminal connections first. Further if facing problems in the fridge then contact KitchenAid appliance repair in Atlanta. Also Read-25th Island of Greece  


You can tell if the relay switch on your fridge is bad by following these steps. First, find a capacitor discharge tool and remove the metal cover (if you have one). Next, how the wires are connected to see which ones touch each other when they’re closed. Finally, set the function switch to “on” or whichever setting will turn off power to your appliance. So, it doesn’t interfere with our testing of your refrigerator’s relay. 

Once you’ve done that for all settings repeat this process three times taking ensure proper readings from both switches. If any reading seems abnormal contact an electrician before using it again. Because there may be another issue at hand that needs attention first!