Invstr 1M 20M USAnn AzevedoTechCrunch, TechCrunch’s Mary Ann Azevedo weighs in on the intensifying Robinhood competitor landscape, as Invstr raises $20M

The world of online trading has seen explosive growth in recent years, thanks in large part to the rise of platforms like Robinhood. But as competition heats up, companies are finding new ways to differentiate themselves and capture market share. One such company is Invstr, which recently raised $20 million in funding to fuel its growth in the United States.

The funds will be used to expand Invstr’s trading features in the US market, including the launch of a commission-free trading platform. The company’s Fantasy Finance game, which allows users to manage a virtual $1 million portfolio, has been a hit with users looking to learn more about the markets. In this article, we have gathered all the information you need on Invstr 1M 20M USAnn AzevedoTechCrunch to make it a comprehensive guide for you.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Robinhood competitor landscape and get the opinion of Mary Ann Azevedo, a writer for TechCrunch, on what Invstr’s latest move means for the industry.

The Rise of Robinhood and its Competitors

Robinhood burst onto the scene in 2013 with its no-fee trading model, quickly gaining a loyal following among young, tech-savvy investors. Since then, a number of other companies have entered the space, each trying to carve out its own niche. Some have focused on offering advanced trading tools for experienced investors, while others have targeted the mobile-first generation with gamified interfaces and social trading features. As the market continues to grow, competition is only getting fiercer.

Introducing Invstr

One of the newer players in the space is Invstr, which bills itself as a “next-generation investing platform.” Like Robinhood, Invstr offers commission-free trading on a range of stocks and ETFs. But the platform also includes a suite of educational tools and features designed to help users make more informed investment decisions. These include a virtual trading simulator, investment courses, and personalized news feeds.

Invstr’s Latest Funding Round

In January 2022, Invstr announced that it had raised $20 million in a Series B funding round led by Fasanara Capital. The company said it planned to use the funds to accelerate its growth and expand its product offerings. This latest round brings Invstr’s total funding to $28 million, making it one of the better-funded Robinhood competitors.

Mary Ann Azevedo’s Take

To get a better sense of what Invstr’s latest move means for the industry, we reached out to Mary Ann Azevedo, a writer for TechCrunch who covers the intersection of finance and technology. Azevedo said that while Invstr is still a relatively small player in the space, its focus on education and community building could give it an edge over competitors. “It seems like they’re really trying to differentiate themselves from the pack,” she said. “They’re not just a trading platform, they’re really trying to be a one-stop shop for investors.”

Azevedo also noted that the funding round was a positive sign for Invstr, as it shows that investors are still bullish on the online trading space despite recent market turbulence. “It’s a tough environment right now, with all the volatility we’re seeing,” she said. “But I think investors are still optimistic about the long-term prospects of these companies.”

The Future of Online Trading

As the Robinhood competitor landscape continues to evolve, it’s clear that companies will need to find new ways to stand out in an increasingly crowded field. While some may focus on advanced trading features or social engagement, others like Invstr are betting on education and community building to win over users. Ultimately, the winners in this space will be the companies that can deliver a seamless, intuitive experience that meets the needs of investors at every level.


Invstr’s latest funding round is a positive sign for the online trading industry, demonstrating that investors are still bullish on the sector despite recent market volatility. As Mary Ann Aze do noted, Invstr’s focus on education and community building could give it an edge over competitors, and it will be interesting to see how the platform continues to evolve in the coming months and years.

Regardless of which company emerges as the leader in the space, one thing is clear: the world of online trading is here to stay, and it will continue to disrupt traditional finance in ways we can only imagine. As investors increasingly turn to digital platforms to manage their portfolios, the industry will undoubtedly see even more innovation and growth in the years to come. By now, you should have a clear and complete understanding of Invstr 1M 20M USAnn AzevedoTechCrunch, thanks to the information provided in this article.

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