Salesforce DevOps Certification Tips – CI/CD’s Relevance in Faster Salesforce Deployments

CRM tools are emerging the big way over the last few decades, and Salesforce came through a fairly impressive journey and now is the most relevant cloud-based CRM platform. Enterprise solutions offered by Salesforce now offer a CRM, which puts forth multiple solutions to cover the end-to-end administration of a business, including finance, marketing, business intelligence, HR, customer service, etc. Salesforce is now advancing continuously and also aims to be a comprehensive solution for enterprises to cover the full spectrum of business administration.

Salesforce DevOps deployment

Technology is becoming more advanced nowadays, and modern-day organizations have become much more dependent on the Salesforce CRM for faster development and quick releases of the applications. Some of these most relevant approaches are CI/CD. Covering up all these, DevOps had become much popular lately. However, it has still been very slow to reach the advancement of the Salesforce ecosystem for a significant period of time. It is primarily because Salesforce used to focus on niche technologies over many years by trying to bring in more diversity. This blog will discuss how to implement a successful DevOps to the existing development, delivery, and deployment process to expedite the same.

More about CI/CD pipeline

The pipeline of CI/CD will help empower modern organizations to deliver changes more frequently. The market is now moving a lot faster than one can expect, and the customers need to see more and more features in a shorter span of time. The release frequency needed to be once a week, if not twice, based on the enterprise needs. Unlike olden times, the model of rolling out new releases only once in a while is not possible anymore. Using a continuous deployment approach will also help to ensure a smoother approach, enabling a quicker rollout of the changes, whether these are major or smaller. Organizations can also effectively use the CI/CD pipeline to automate incremental deployments for quicker impact.

When adopting DevOps, everyone has to consider that it Is not a standalone tool. It can be more of a unique approach for delivering the applications in a timely manner. DevOps can also help break the traditional silos between various operations, developers, and stakeholders, which can help promote more collaboration to strengthen communication among various teams. It can be viewed as a continuous work cycle in which multiple teams may come together to deliver the release much faster and in a timely manner. Those organizations with large development teams can also leverage the benefits of DevOps for expediting the build, test, deploy or release cycle. The enterprises also may try to inculcate the DevOps strategies by effectively making all aware of the fundamental concepts behind CI/CD and integrating such practices for Salesforce administration to answer the classic question as to why backup your Salesforce data?

Once on become confident with this approach or by gaining Salesforce DevOps certification, Salesforce admins and organizational leaders may also try to scale up CI/CD by doing releases multiple times in the given week or on a daily basis, if that is the requirement. Above all, the DevOps maturity also will depend largely on the size and age of the enterprise and how frequently the technology changes happen.

Fundamental challenges with DevOps

When we consider this, Salesforce is basically a cloud-based provider featuring multi-tenant approaches which will be used exclusively to handle workloads of different types of businesses. These organizations trying to keep a compromised profile may adopt a Salesforce native approach. But it may not be apt for quicker delivery or continuous integration environment as there will be limitations for generic Salesforce. Another existing option will be to consider different external tools by third parties, which will help to ensure a customized pipeline for CI/CD Jenkins Training.

This approach may help to easily integrate different third-party tools, which you have to find some efficient way out. The fundamental challenge of this approach may take add-on time to get implemented as there could be different tools you may use to maintain this ecosystem. Another major challenge is the overall cost involved when you have an existing ecosystem that uses different vendors’ different tools. There may also be a solution that can offer you a middle path where you can use Salesforce cloud for integrations and DevOps tools for promoting the CD.

Adoption of solutions that are purpose made

Purpose-built solutions will club the best of all given solutions. This concept is to club the Salesforce functionality out of the box with CI/CD tools. This will help leverage the released and also enhance the overall performance. The continuous integration platform can be tailor-made. However, Salesforce limitations may not restrict this. A basic tool for this purpose will have some major features like:

  • Metadata – Awareness of metadata is crucial in the case of given data, whereas this may hold some information about connections between various data types. As this data is organized and categorized well, then the admins can easily set up the policies and rules for automation. Metadata will also help to control codes and every artifact well.
  • Faster delivery – The requirement may be different in various interfaces. A proper CI/CD model may help promote quicker delivery by offering the scope for comprehensive automation. This may act around the CI/CD concept and the DevOps. This will also help eliminate the manual interventions needed and eradicate the errors by expediting things to enforce a better quality.
  • Future proof CI/CD – As we can see, technology is changing largely, and the standard continuous integration and deployment practices will also evolve quickly. It is much more convenient to have a unified platform that will work on the multi-cloud than rely on disparate tools.
  • Automating release management – It is also possible for strong solutions of CI/CD to deploy much faster and by integrating with Salesforce to manage the complete developmental pipeline.

Overall, the objective of CI/CD is to make sure a wonderful developer experience, which may also be leading to an enhanced user experience. In fact, there are different ways for us to do the implementation of CI/CD solutions for Salesforce. In contrast, Salesforce offers effective integration with some third-party data management tools like Travis CI, GitHub, etc. Using all these properly can increase success by adopting CI/CD to break the silos.

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