Tips for a Safe and Respectful Classroom

Schools and colleges used to be the temple of education. These were those holy places where people used to get education and decorate their future. Students used to respect their peers and tutors and they used to respect students but these days the scenario has changed devastatingly. 

Though the education sector has reformed, things have changed a lot. Students are getting bullied at each and every step-in schools and colleges which is killing their morale and depressing their wish to learn or to acquire education.

Their wish to acquire education gets crushed under these worst situations like bullying. Apart from bullying students are getting caught under physical and mental violence also from not only other students but from tutors also. It is so, because few teachers these days just try to make money and they have no real intentions to teach the kids. 

These days everything is happening online so teachers teach online  using LMS. When they teach online using learning management systems, they keep in mind that students should get all the knowledge and information he or she is worthy of. These days students prepare for competitive exams like IIT and JEE. But even there it doesn’t matter if they are preparing for medical, IIT or JEE, they have to face bullying which devastates their moral strength and makes them forget their dreams which later turn into depression and harms the suffering person. 

Bullying is a kind of curse for the schools and it can lead the suffering student to a path of mental destruction. Schools should take steps to create a safe and respectful classroom for the students and should take steps regarding it also as much as it is possible. Although this seems a little tough process still it is needed to be performed on a necessary basis. Let’s see some tips for a safe and respectful classroom which tutors can apply in their class:

  • Tutors are the commanding personality in the classroom. Students look up to them for their safety and respect. It is so because Tutors have command of the whole class and they manage everything in the class under their jurisdiction. So, this is the duty of the tutor to make sure that students should feel safe there in the class. So, in order to do this, teachers should let their students know that they respect them and care for them. Until this trust is built up students will feel scared if they have had this bitter experience in the past.
  • Teachers should decide the culture of their classroom, they need to set boundaries and disciplinary code under which students will have to study in the class. Teachers need to look out for those students who look pale in the class and try to steal eye from anyone and feel safe being cornered in the class. Such behaviour shows that particular student is scared. Tutor needs to reach such students and assure them that they are safe in his or her class.
  • To spread this feeling of safety tutors need to find out those students who exhibit the nature of kindness, respect and thoughtfulness in the classroom. When the teacher finds such students in the classroom then he should appreciate these behavioural patterns and should reward them for their good behaviour. This will encourage students themselves to respect each other and never hurt anybody’s feelings.
  • Make students share their experiences of how they feel when they are bullied and how much it hurts to go through something like this. Also, it should be discussed among the students that how can they protect their peers from going through something like that because it is a matter of unity also that all students should be against bullying.
  • Teachers are role models of the students and students follow them blindly so teachers need to demonstrate acts of kindness to model the positive behaviours in front of students. This makes the students follow the tutor and, in this way, they keep on practicing good behaviour and bullying gets vanished from their classroom.
  • Tutors should make the students take care of the emotional well-being of their peer group. In this way emotional attachment will grow as well as social and moral etiquettes develop in the students which makes them respect others and spread this feeling of respect among others also.