3 Common Household Issues to Watch out for in the Spring

The spring can be busy for homeowners wanting to spruce up their places. But not all renovations will be planned; some are spontaneous repairs that come with big price tags. 

What to Do if Your Emergency is Happening Right Now

Realty experts encourage homeowners to save between one and four percent of their house’s value each year. 

In the US, the average home price is $428,700. If you were to follow this rule of thumb, you would aim to save between $4,287 and $17,148.

In economic times like these, that much money can be hard to find. If your savings fall short of what you need, you may consider finding an online loan by phone. Online loans are designed to advance funds when you face an unexpected expense you can’t afford, and there’s no way to put off this spending. 

A speedy application is one of the many benefits of loans by phone that can come in handy during an emergency. Most online direct lenders ask simple questions that take a handful of minutes to answer, and you’ll know if you qualify soon after. Some lenders may even offer same-business-day loans to ensure you get the cash you need fast. 

3 Issues You Might Face This Spring

Homeowners can face a variety of issues that require attention. However, these three problems are most common in the spring.

1. Termites

You can’t mistake the sound of a termite infestation, as their noisy eaters. You’ll hear clicking, buzzing, and rustling sounds coming from the inside of your walls. These insects also leave behind tell-tale signs that they’ve made a meal of your home, including drooping drywall, pinpoint holes in your wall, and buckle floorboards. 

If you suspect you have termites, call a pest control company right away. On average, you can expect to spend $526 for small infestations. However, you may pay more than $10,000 for large-scale fumigation, plus more to replace the rotted, hollow beams. 

2. Felled Trees

If a tree falls on your house, does it cost money? Yes. Thankfully, in most cases, basic homeowners’ insurance will cover the damage caused by a felled tree. 

But just because your policy covers the bill doesn’t mean you can turn a blind eye to your tree’s health this spring. Dealing with insurance can be a bureaucratic nightmare; your claim can increase your premiums, and you may have to live amongst the damage until your insurer steps up to help.

Avoiding this can be simple; check each tree for rot, disease, and broken branches. If you spot any of these issues, call a licensed arborist to help you trim or cut your trees before they fall. Prices range from $100 to $2,000, depending on the size of the tree and service. 

3. Clogged Gutters

Cleaning your gutters may be messy, but you don’t want to ignore them. Your gutters help move water away from your roof. If leaves and debris clog these gutters, standing water can cause roof leaks. 

Repairing these leaks depends on the extent of the damage, but they can typically fall between $364 and $1,556. Cleaning your gutters, on the other hand, is a simple and free DIY task. Just make sure you have a spotter when you climb the ladder. 

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Bottom Line:

There’s no guarantee you may face any of these issues as a homeowner, but, if you were to encounter a termite infestation or clogged gutter, there’s a good chance you’ll notice it in spring. As the season of renewal, it’s the time when Mother Nature wakes up; bugs come out of their hibernation, plants start to grow, and rain begins to fall in buckets.