How Much Does eCommerce Website Development Cost in 2022?

The global forecast estimates a surge in the eCommerce market from $3.3 trillion in 2022 to $5.4 trillion by 2026.

You need an eCommerce website to take your online business to the next level. eCommerce is growing at a much faster rate than other traditional channels. The popularity will continue to rise, thus increasing the need for professional eCommerce website development companies to build online shops.

The cost to develop an eCommerce website depends on the functionality and design. You can hire a Shopify developer from a top eCommerce website development company to ensure your online business succeeds.  

How Much Does eCommerce Website Development Cost in 2022? 

The answer depends on several factors:

  1. The size of your business. To sell products online, you need a website that can handle thousands of visitors daily. If you’re starting a small business, you may not need anything too fancy or sophisticated. But if you want to compete with Amazon, you’ll need a powerful platform that can handle high traffic volumes and complex transactions every minute. How big or small your business is, determines what kind of eCommerce platform you need — and how much it will cost you.
  2. How much traffic do you expect? Suppose your business model relies on organic traffic from search engines like Google or social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In that case, it will cost less than if your strategy is based on paid advertising campaigns such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
  3. What type of business it is (B2C or B2B); whether you’re building from scratch or launching on an existing platform; and whether you’re doing everything yourself or outsourcing the work. The cost of eCommerce website development heavily depends on the software development company or freelancer you hire.

Many variables come into play when you’re looking to build an eCommerce website, and it’s hard to find one answer that fits all scenarios. But the good news is that we’ve done some research and can give you insight into what an average eCommerce website development project might cost in 2022. After all, eCommerce sites received funding of $16.8 billion dollars in the latter part of 2021. Here’s what we found:

The average cost of an eCommerce website development project in 2022 will be $10,000-$15,000. This is based on the average hourly rate of $100-$200 per hour for freelance web developers and designers, plus the average cost of hosting ($10-$20/month), domain name registration ($10-$15/year), SSL certificate ($50-$100/year), and other incidentals such as plugins and themes (which can cost anywhere from $0-$500). 

You may be thinking that this seems like a lot of money! And that’s true — it’s still much more expensive than building a simple informational website. But it’s worth investing in this kind of quality design work if you’re serious about selling products or services online and want to compete with big brands like Amazon or Walmart.

What are the Factors that Determine Ecommerce Website Development Cost?


1. Customized design

The first thing you need to consider when looking for an eCommerce website developer is the design of your website. If you want your store to stand out from the crowd, you need a unique design that will make it stand out from similar sites in the market. This can be done by hiring a professional web designer to create a customized design for your business based on its specific requirements.

2. Hosting services 

Hosting and domain name registration costs vary from one provider to another depending on their pricing plans and features offered by them. A basic hosting plan will cost you around $4-$5 per month, while a premium plan may cost you up to $15-$20 per month, depending on your requirements. If you go for a paid hosting option, no annual fees are involved. Still, if you opt for a free hosting option, there are some minimal charges like a yearly fee or setup fee, which will have to be paid before getting started with your online business venture. 

3. Content management system 

The CMS is one of the most critical factors determining how much an eCommerce website will cost to develop. This is because it manages your content, such as products, categories and other information about your business. It also determines how easy it will be for you to update your website once it goes live—many different types of CMSs are available today, including WordPress, Drupal and Magento. Still, Magento tends to be one of the most expensive options due to its extensive feature set and flexibility. 

4. Website security features 

To sell products online, you must ensure that your customer’s data and privacy are secure. This can only be achieved when you use a secure payment gateway and also deploy SSL certificates on your website so that visitors know they are visiting a secure site when they enter their login details or any other sensitive information such as credit card details. These two things can significantly increase your eCommerce website development cost because they require additional security features like PCI compliance, encryption, etc.

 5. Mobile-first approach

It is not only about designing a web page for desktops but also for mobile devices. So, if you want to develop a website that mobile users can access, it is necessary to have a mobile-first approach. Most users look for information on smartphones, which means that your site should also be easy to navigate on mobile devices. This will require some extra costs.

How Can You Save on Ecommerce Website Development Costs?

Saving money on developing an eCommerce website requires careful planning and decision-making. You can save time, effort and money if you clearly understand eCommerce best practices at the outset. 

The first step is determining your site’s features and how much they will cost you. Start by outlining all the functions essential to your online store (for example, payment processing solutions).

Then add other features that would make the site more functional or appealing to customers (such as an online chat function). Once you have this list of requirements, ask designers and programmers how much it would cost to build each feature into your site. Next, you can ensure that the following steps are covered during and after the eCommerce website is set up.

  • Responsive design is critical in reaching a wider audience today.
  • Integrate an eCommerce platform which has a CMS as well.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN.)
  • Use templates and themes that are suitable for your product mix.
  • Choose the right hosting provider for your website.
  • Understand the costs of ongoing support and maintenance.

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Wrapping Up

In the near future, eCommerce platforms like Magento and Shopify will dominate the marketplace. And as they develop over time, you’ll see prices going down while offerings go up. It’s bound to be exciting for current and future eCommerce website owners. Unfortunately, it is impossible to state the actual amount in advance. It all depends on the quality and functionality. So the cost will depend on each particular case.