How to Fix Mobile Usability Error in WordPress Website?

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Mobile Usability Error is a fatal error in Google’s eyes and can seriously harm your rankings if you don’t fix it immediately. In the newest version of the Mobile Usability report , Google added a new notification which reads:

In order to have a positive impact on site usability, mobile content should be written so that it can be read and interacted with on smaller screens.

  • Google also explains :

For instance, many sites have small blocks of content hidden by default in mobile viewsport, requiring the user to pinch and zoom to see them.

This can be fixed easily by following the article below.

1. Head to Google Search Console

2. Click on Crawl, then Content

3. Scroll down to the Mobile Usability section and click Fetch as Googlebot

4. Now you want to select all of your site’s pages in the Select Pages field

5. Once they are all selected, hit Submit in the bottom right.

6. Now just sit back and let Googlebot fetch all of your pages for mobile usability errors! You’ll receive an email once that is complete.

Mobile Usability in a Nutshell According to the Mobile usability report, if a page with a high page rank has a serious problem in terms of user experience or content , then this can have a significant impact on the trust that Google has in your site, which can affect your rankings.

Mobile Friendly tests are conducted only with the most recent version of Chrome for Android, so keep this in mind when you are testing pages. A page might pass or fail depending on whether or not it’s viewed with the latest Chrome for Android.

The Mobile Usability report will display errors found during testing that prevent a page from being considered “mobile-friendly.” Google warns: If your site displays differently in mobile results than it does in desktop results , it could be seen as a mobile usability problem and affect your ability to rank well on mobile devices. This might happen if your site is detected as “not mobile-friendly” by our algorithm .

1. Open Google Search Console

2. Click on Crawl, then Mobile Usability

3. Choose Fetch as Googlebot from the menu on the left if it’s not already selected

4. Check the box at the end of the row labeled Select pages

5. Click Submit at the bottom right of this section

6. Sit back and let Googlebot fetch your pages for mobile usability errors! You’ll receive an email once this is complete.Mobile Usability Error in WordPress Website Fixing mobile usability errors is done by fixing any underlying coding issues on specific web pages, so it’s best