How To Use Kpi Dashboard To Raise Performance And Productivity

What exactly is a KPI?

A key performance indicator, often known as a KPI, is a numerical statistic that indicates whether or not your team or organization is achieving its goals. Monitoring key indicators enables you to assess the success of your company and make data-driven choices that will help you expand more rapidly.

What exactly is a key performance indicator dashboard?

Real-time data and an easily digestible summary of the performance of each individual department are essential if you want to know how well your company is performing.

The key performance indicators (KPIs) tracked by a dashboard provide a concise summary of corporate performance as well as projections on future expansion. KPIs are collected, grouped, organized, and visualized.

KPI dashboards allow firms to have real-time access to their key performance indicators (KPIs) and make data-driven choices that move them closer to accomplishing their long-term objectives.

Several distinct kinds of KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) in business are quantitative measures that analyze aspects that are essential to the achievement of the company’s objectives and the maintenance of its development. A key performance indicator (KPI) that has been properly worded may assist managers in navigating between crucial business processes and can indicate whether or not a company is succeeding in reaching its primary goals.

Low-level KPIs concentrate on more specific objectives, such as sales or project KPIs, but high-level KPIs represent the overall success of the organization as a whole. High-level KPIs also indicate how well certain business units are doing.

Indicators of essential performance that are regularly tracked and monitored:

  • The percentage of increase in sales
  • Profit after tax
  • The project schedule variance, abbreviated as PSV (are projects completed on time)
  • Turnover ratio (how many people quit using the product or service)
  • Revenue typical for each individual client
  • Lifetime value (CLV/LTV)

View some instances of extremely useful sales metrics, financial key performance indicators, and universal key performance indicators.

The advantages of using KPI dashboards

  • The key performance indicators of a business may be seen on a KPI monitoring dashboard, which is valuable in many different ways.
  • The capacity of a contemporary business dashboard to deliver information about the status of a firm in real time is the feature that confers the most value on the tool. As a consequence of this, the leaders of businesses and the teams working on projects are able to make judgments that are objective, well-informed, and goal-oriented, relying on the facts rather than their instincts.
  • In addition, having a KPI dashboard that is up to date and well-designed helps to immediately identify issue areas so that solutions may be implemented. Managers that utilize key performance indicator dashboards on a daily basis to obtain a rapid overview are able to know where to spend their work and recognize if there is a need to enhance any processes that are not operating well.

A dashboard’s KPIs are selected and structured by the user.

CEO KPI dashboard

The CEO dashboard provides a high-level, all-encompassing snapshot of a company’s performance and profitability at a look. Due to the fact that it contains a significant amount of confidential information, only the company’s CEO and other high-level executives are permitted to use it. The CEO dashboard shows if the company meets its objectives and where its problems are.

On the CEO dashboard, key performance indicators include

  • income generated by the firm each month
  • net income
  • An increase in sales and revenues
  • departments’ performance
  • aims for each quarter
  • ROI of significant business transactions
  • comparison with other competing businesses

Both the business dashboard and the CEO dashboard provide key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect on how well the organization is doing overall. At management meetings, company dashboards may be used to provide a concise summary of the performance of the organization.

Dashboards for project management metrics

The project team dashboard shows the performance of team members and how the project is performing. Maintaining everyone’s awareness of the most recent accomplishments and project objectives is a highly beneficial practice. The dashboard that project managers utilize allows them to monitor the spending of the project and identify any gaps in the progress made toward meeting the objectives.

On a project dashboard, key performance indicators (KPIs) might include things like the anticipated budget, the amount of time spent on particular tasks, the return on investment (ROI) of activities and assignments, the performance of team members, the activities that have been done, and the amount of time that is left until the project is finished.

Sales KPI dashboard

The company’s sales success, including the quantity of fresh leads and the dollar amount of transactions, is fully visible on the sales monitoring dashboard. Managers in the sales department can immediately see which salespeople are doing the best and how much money they can anticipate from the new business they bring in.

An additional benefit of a sales dashboard is that it alerts managers when sales are lagging, allowing them to take appropriate action, such as mobilizing sales staff or launching a marketing campaign.

Customers and leads are counted, churn is calculated, and new deal value is calculated. Revenue objectives and salespeople’s success are also shown on the sales dashboard.

Gain a better understanding of the sales KPI dashboard.

In addition to that, you can utilize your dashboard to do benchmarking. For a better look at the options in KPI dashboards, visit When creating a dashboard for your KPIs, it is helpful to include benchmarks that include specific dates and quantitative values. This will provide you a more accurate picture of how close you are to reaching a certain objective. You may receive a reminder to take action as the time gets close to its end if you add deadlines to projects and activities that you want to complete on time and want to finish on time.

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Marketing KPI dashboard

The marketing dashboard provides digital marketing analytics such as monthly new leads (by source, country, etc.), marketing budgets, and email campaign performance. An instantly accessible summary of the marketing team’s performance may be obtained via a marketing dashboard that has been thoughtfully designed.

Many more indicators may be seen in a marketing dashboard, such as lead generation costs and customer acquisition costs. The lead-to-customer conversion rate is another useful measure.