What are the Potential Health Risks of Contaminated Water and Remedies to Avoid Them?

Drinking safe and pure water is a very crucial part of our lives. It’s something that we use every day and take for granted. In the U.S., safe drinking water is protected by a Federal Law passed by Congress in 1974. 

Unfortunately, contaminated water has been linked to several serious illnesses. If you’re concerned about your drinking water, this article is for you. In this article, we will learn the potential health risks from water contamination and the remedies you should take to avoid them if your local water supply is contaminated.

Lethal to Health

Contaminated water can cause numerous health problems, from mild to severe. In addition, it can be lethal if you don’t get treated for contaminated water.

Contaminated drinking water can cause:

  • Severe illness that requires hospitalization
  • Long-term ailments such as cancer or heart disease later in life
  • Respiratory problems affect breathing and create lung infections, such as pneumonia and asthma.

Skin Disease

If you think only internal use of contaminated water is dangerous to your health, then you are wrong. Contaminated water can cause many skin diseases like skin rashes and eczema, a chronic inflammatory condition that causes redness, itching, and swelling. The list includes some of the following skin diseases:

  • Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes thickened, scaly patches of skin.
  • Dermatitis is a common skin condition characterized by itchy, dry skin.
  • Acne and pimples on the face or back cause redness, irritation, and sometimes scarring.
  • Dry skin is caused by low humidity or exposure to chemicals in water sources like chlorine or fluoride.

Long-Term Ailments

Drinking water contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or chemicals can cause long-term ailments, including cancer, reproductive problems, and liver, kidney, and heart damage. It can also cause permanent defects in newborns.

Contaminated tap water can lead to mental illness, neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s disease, and gastrointestinal issues like colitis or Crohn’s disease, which may lead to colon cancer.

Can Affect the Respiratory System

Drinking contaminated water can lead to respiratory illness, which causes coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and other symptoms.

Respiratory illnesses such as asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis are common complications of drinking contaminated water. Unfortunately, these conditions can be fatal if not checked on time by a doctor. However, with proper treatment, you can easily control them.

These conditions caused by bacterial infections in the lungs and airways affect the respiratory system. One such example is Camp Lejeune, where a large population got severe health damages due to water contamination, and victims are still claiming relief money from Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit.

Fertility Problems

One of the most common health risks of contaminated water is infertility, especially for men and women. Infertility is the inability to get pregnant or carry a child to term. It can be caused by many factors, including exposure to harmful chemicals in drinking water. If you live in an area with contaminated water supplies and have been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for several months, talk with your doctor about it. A doctor may be able to test your blood for certain chemicals that may be causing infertility issues and then treat them with medication or surgery.

There are several potential health risks of contaminated water, but to avoid them, you should know the remedies available.

What You Can Do

The first thing you can do is to drink only clean and pure water. It means avoiding tap water and buying bottled water instead. You can also use a water filter and a purification system that will remove any dangerous contaminants from your tap.

Drinking Only Clean and Pure Water

Drinking only clean and pure water is vital to a healthy life. Water is one of the essential nutrients for your body to function properly, and it keeps you energized for your daily activities. However, drinking contaminated water may cause health problems like stomach upset, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc., which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration occurs when you lose too much fluid from your body through urine or sweat, making you feel tired or dizzy.

If you want to avoid all these unpleasant situations, make sure that your drinking water is safe by installing a filter at home so that only clean water flows out of it.

Evaluate the Source of Your Drinking Water

To evaluate whether the water used in your home is coming from a private well or public water supply, you should test for bacteria and nitrates. A well can be in an individual’s backyard, or multiple people could use it. Municipal water supplies are usually more carefully monitored than private wells because they are publicly owned and maintained.

In addition to testing for bacteria and nitrates, you may want to also test your tap water for lead, especially if you live in an older building. Also, it is necessary if any of your family members have health problems related to exposure to lead.

If You Purchase Bottled Water

If you purchase bottled water, check to ensure that it has an NSF label. This label indicates that the product comes from a source tested and approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). In addition, you can find another helpful quality indicator on bottles labeled with FDA certification numbers or labels such as “USP” or “FDA-Grade.” It means the product has been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and meets their requirements for food safety standards regarding filtration methods used during production processes.

Next, we have EPA certification numbers which indicate compliance with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines regarding treatment processes. Again, these are often seen on containers holding spring waters but not always, so don’t assume all bottled waters will look like this.

Lastly, there’s USDA Organic certification, which means no pesticides are allowed on crops involved in making this drink.

Boil Water

You need to boil water before you drink it or cook with it. Boiling is a fair way to kill bacteria and other microorganisms and remove chemicals, minerals, sediments, and particulates.

  • Boiling for at least one minute will kill most disease-causing organisms that may be present in water.
  • When boiling, leave the lid off so you can keep an eye on how much time has passed while waiting for the water to boil. If you have a lit match handy, drop it into your pot every few seconds until bubbles erupt around its base.

Few More Remedies to Avoid Potential Health Risks of Contaminated Water

  • Use a filter. Filters remove particles from the water and should be changed regularly. They’re available in different sizes and shapes for home use, camping, traveling, etc.
  • Use a water purifier. Water purifiers use chemicals or ultraviolet rays to kill harmful organisms in the water. To work effectively, you must use them after filling up the container with dirty or suspect water. Otherwise, the chemicals become ineffective after a few minutes of exposure to air.
  • Store bottled drinking water in your refrigerator instead of letting it sit at room temperature where bacteria can grow on its surface.

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Final Thoughts

Drinking contaminated water can be dangerous to your health. It can cause severe illness, long-term ailments, and even death. If you think the water at your home or workplace has been contaminated, take corrective measures immediately. However, a better understanding of how to avoid the health risks of contaminated water can save you from several health issues. While it may seem like a difficult task, there are many things you can do to protect yourself and your family from these dangers. If anything, we hope that at least one of the abovementioned remedies will work for you.