Famous Female Necromancers That Have Powers

Necromancy, a practice often associated with the supernatural world in various myths and stories, involves communicating with and sometimes resurrecting the dead. While entirely fictional, the idea of necromancers has been a popular element in many fantasy tales and lore. Over the years, several fictional female necromancers, known as famous female necromancers, have become well-known in various forms of media, including literature, movies, and games. Here are a few famous female necromancers:

Holly Parker (Chick Tract)

Holly Parker is a character from the Chick Tracts, a series of evangelical gospel tracts in comic book format created by Jack Chick. In these tracts, Holly Parker is depicted as a witch inspired to practice magic from the “Harry Potter” book series. She appears as the main antagonist in the 2001 tract “The Nervous Witch” and as a supporting antagonist in the 2002 “Gladys.” Chick Tracts, known for their strong evangelical Christian messages, often portray controversial viewpoints and have expressed strong anti-Catholic views, as well as criticisms of other faiths​​.

Hela (Thor: Ragnarok) 

Hela is a fictional character in Marvel Comics, first appearing in “Journey into Mystery” #102 in March 1964. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, she is based on the Norse goddess Hel and is known as the Asgardian Goddess of Death. Hela, portrayed by Cate Blanchett, made her live-action debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017). In the comics, Hela was born in Jotunheim, the land of the giants, and is the child of a different incarnation of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Appointed by Odin as the Goddess of the Dead, she rules over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim. Hela is typically depicted as an adversary of Thor and often tries to expand her power to the dead who dwell in Valhalla, leading to conflicts with Odin and Thor​​.

Hecubah (Nox) 

Hecubah, the main antagonist in the action role-playing game “Nox,” developed by Westwood Studios in 2000, stands out as a quintessential villain with her dark sorcery and formidable presence. As the central conflict figure in the game, she embodies the archetypal evil sorceress, wielding a range of magical abilities that pose significant challenges to the player. Her character typically shrouded in mystery, drives the game’s narrative forward, presenting obstacles and conflicts through her quest for power and dominion. Hecubah’s interactions with the player are pivotal, often culminating in intense confrontations that test the player’s skills and strategy. Her visual design, likely characterized by imposing attire and symbols of dark power, further cements her role as a formidable adversary in the “Nox” universe.

Rasunetei (Illumina)

Rasunetei is a character from the 1990 role-playing game “Illumina!” by Cocktail Soft. Portrayed as an evil necromancer, she initially works for a corrupt lord, Gonzoro, and uses paralyzing magic against the hero of the game. Her story includes discovering a significant birthmark on the hero’s hand, leading her to delve into his past. Rasunetei’s actions escalate to turning an entire village into zombies and revealing to the hero his dark lineage. Ultimately, she faces the hero in a final battle where she is defeated. Rasunetei’s character is a blend of dark magic and complex narrative elements typical of role-playing games of that era.

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Marianna Blavatsky (Return to Castle Wolfenstein)

Marianna Blavatsky is a character from the 2001 first-person shooter game “Return to Castle Wolfenstein.” As a tertiary antagonist in the game, she holds a significant role in the story. Known as the High Priestess Oberführer, Blavatsky is in charge of Operation Resurrection, a key plot element in the game. She also tutored another character, Standartenführer Helga von Bulow, in the ways of the occult, indicating her deep involvement in and knowledge of supernatural elements within the game’s universe.

Given the setting of “Return to Castle Wolfenstein,” which blends historical WWII elements with fictional and supernatural aspects, characters like Blavatsky are often portrayed with a mix of historical and fantastical traits. In this context, Blavatsky’s role as a high-ranking officer involved in occult practices aligns with the game’s theme of Nazi experiments with supernatural forces. Her character likely contributes to the overarching narrative of the game, providing depth to the storyline and challenges to the player.

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Celia Fortner (Castlevania)

Celia Fortner is a character from the “Castlevania” series, specifically from the game “Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.” As a central antagonist in the game, she plays a significant role in the storyline. Celia is a shadow priestess and the founder and leader of a religious cult. In the context of the “Castlevania” universe, which is known for its gothic and supernatural themes, her character likely involves elements of dark magic and occult practices. The role of Celia Fortner in “Dawn of Sorrow” would be pivotal to the game’s plot, possibly involving her attempts to resurrect or replace Dracula, the series’ main antagonist. As with many characters in the “Castlevania” series, her actions and motivations would be deeply intertwined with the game’s lore, often reflecting the series’ blend of horror, fantasy, and action elements.

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Morgan le Fay (Marvel Comics) 

Morgan le Fay, a supervillain in Marvel Comics, is a powerful sorceress based on the Arthurian legend character. Created by Stan Lee and Joe Maneely, she first appeared in “Black Knight” #1 in May 1955. Morgan is a half-faerie, half-sister of King Arthur, possessing a gifted intellect and magic manipulation skills. Throughout her appearances, she has been a formidable opponent to The Avengers and Spider-Woman, among others. Her elven heritage grants her virtual immortality, and she has used her long life to master the mystic arts. Morgan le Fay is considered one of Marvel’s most notable and powerful female villains​

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The concept of famous female necromancers in fiction has significantly enriched the landscape of fantasy and supernatural storytelling. These characters, with their unique abilities to manipulate the forces of life and death, offer intriguing and complex narratives that resonate with audiences. Their presence in literature, movies, and games not only highlights the diversity and depth of female characters in fantasy genres but also reflects the enduring fascination with the mystical and the unknown in human culture. As symbols of power, mystery, and often moral ambiguity, these necromancers continue to captivate and inspire, contributing to the ever-evolving tapestry of myth and legend in the world of storytelling.