Famous Necromancers In Video Games

Necromancers, characters who wield the dark arts to summon and control the dead, are a staple in many video games, often serving as formidable adversaries or, in some cases, playable characters with unique abilities. Here’s a look at some of the most famous necromancers in video games history:

Iratus (Iratus: Lord Of The Dead)

Iratus, the titular character in “Iratus: Lord of the Dead,” is a compelling necromancer who rises from the dead to exact revenge and conquer the living. In this dark, tactical role-playing game, players assume the role of Iratus, using strategic prowess and dark magic to control and expand an army of the undead. The game revolves around the classic theme of a villain protagonist, offering a unique twist on the genre. Players must skillfully manage resources, navigate challenging turn-based combat, and utilize the unique abilities of various undead minions, such as zombies and skeletons, to advance through the game. The engaging mechanics, coupled with a grim, gothic art style, create an immersive experience that delves deep into the dark fantasy of necromancy and the allure of wielding forbidden powers. 

Lady Comstock (Bioshock Infinite) 

Lady Comstock is a haunting and tragic figure whose story deeply intertwines with the floating city of Columbia’s troubled history. As the wife of the city’s leader, Zachary Hale Comstock, she is posthumously revered as a martyr and saint, her image sanctified to bolster Comstock’s theocratic regime. However, the truth of her life and untimely death reveals a much darker reality, one marked by sorrow, manipulation, and betrayal. Her presence in the game, especially through her spectral form that the protagonist, Booker DeWitt, encounters, adds a layer of mystery and emotional depth. Lady Comstock’s character embodies the themes of “BioShock Infinite,” such as the corrupting influence of power and ideology, the complexity of personal relationships, and the consequences of a society built on fanaticism and false idolatry. 

Mannimarco – The Elder Scrolls Series

In the Elder Scrolls” series, Mannimarco stands out as a figure of dark legend, revered as the King of Worms and infamous for his mastery of necromancy. Originating as a powerful Altmer mage, his journey into the depths of dark magic led him to become the first lich—a formidable undead sorcerer. Mannimarco’s ambitions reach their zenith in “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion,” where he emerges as the primary antagonist in the Mages Guild questline, threatening the very fabric of the magical world with his nefarious plans. He is the founder of the dreaded Worm Cult, a group of necromancers who worship him and spread his influence across Tamriel. Mannimarco’s pursuit of godhood and his manipulation of life and death encapsulates the themes of unbridled ambition and the corrupting nature of power, making him one of the most memorable and menacing villains in the Elder Scrolls universe. 

Lyon Lyon (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Lyon emerges as a poignant and complex figure, embodying the tragic consequences of noble intentions gone awry. As the Prince of Grado, he is initially portrayed as a gentle and kind-hearted individual, deeply concerned about his people’s welfare and the future of his kingdom. His close friendship with the protagonists, Eirika and Ephraim, adds layers of personal conflict to the narrative. Driven by a desperate desire to avert his father’s death and his kingdom’s suffering, Lyon turns to forbidden dark magic, leading to his tragic transformation and corruption. His manipulation of the Fire Emblem, intended to change fate, inadvertently unleashes the Demon King, who further corrupts Lyon and uses him as a vessel to bring destruction. This transformation from a benevolent prince to a vessel of darkness, under the influence of an ancient evil, illustrates the game’s exploration of themes such as the corrupting nature of power, the complexity of moral choices, and the profound impact of trying to defy destiny. 

Diablo II’s Necromancer:

In “Diablo II,” the Necromancer is an iconic and beloved character class, epitomizing the allure and mystery of dark magic within the game’s rich fantasy world. As a master of the undead and practitioner of forbidden arts, the Necromancer wields the power to raise and control minions from skeletal warriors to reanimated corpses, creating a diverse and strategic gameplay experience. His arsenal of spells extends beyond summoning to include curses that weaken enemies and poison spells that spread deadly toxins. The Necromancer’s playstyle encourages a tactical approach to combat, where players must judiciously manage their army of the undead while exploiting the weaknesses of their foes. His unique aesthetic, characterized by dark robes and a foreboding presence, complements his role as a practitioner of the macabre arts. 

Kel’Thuzad – World of Warcraft: 

Kel’Thuzad, a prominent figure in the “World of Warcraft” universe, is a master of necromancy and one of the most iconic villains in the game’s expansive lore. Originally a human mage of the Kirin Tor, his fascination with the dark arts led him to become the Lich King’s most loyal servant, playing a crucial role in the undead Scourge’s terror across Azeroth. As the founder and leader of the Cult of the Damned, Kel’Thuzad was instrumental in spreading the plague that transformed the inhabitants of Lordaeron into undead minions. His transformation into a lich and subsequent role as the final boss in the Naxxramas raid dungeon highlight his formidable power and the enduring threat he poses. Kel’Thuzad’s complex backstory, combined with his strategic role in the Scourge’s operations, adds a layer of depth to the game’s narrative. His character embodies the themes of betrayal, the quest for forbidden knowledge, and the seductive allure of power, making him a memorable and formidable adversary in the “World of Warcraft” series.

Sandro (Heroes Of Might And Magic)

Sandro, a notable character in the “Heroes of Might and Magic” series, particularly in “Heroes of Might and Magic III,” stands out as a quintessential archetype of a necromancer, weaving intrigue and manipulation throughout the game’s narrative. As a master of necromancy, Sandro is shrouded in mystery and darkness, known for his cunning intellect and ambition. His character plays a pivotal role in the game’s story, often seen orchestrating events from the shadows to further his own mysterious goals. Sandro’s ability to raise and control the undead makes him a formidable force on the battlefield, while his strategic acumen in manipulating allies and enemies alike adds a layer of complexity to the game’s plot. His presence in the series is not just as a wielder of dark magic, but also as a symbol of the intricate dance between power, ambition, and the moral difficulties inherent in the pursuit of such arcane knowledge.

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Gul’dan – Warcraft Series:

In the Warcraft series, Gul’dan stands as one of the most iconic and nefarious characters, embodying the quintessence of corruption and ambition. As a powerful orc warlock and the first of the orcish warlocks, Gul’dan’s relentless pursuit of power leads him to make a pivotal pact with the demonic Burning Legion, betraying his people for personal gain. His actions are instrumental in the creation of the Dark Portal, which connects the Orcish world of Draenor to Azeroth, setting off a chain of events that culminate in the devastating Orcish invasions. Gul’dan’s mastery of dark magic, particularly his role in the creation of the first Death Knights, marks him as a figure of immense power and moral decay. His character is a study in the dangers of unchecked ambition, as his thirst for power ultimately leads to his ruin. Gul’dan’s legacy in the Warcraft lore is profound, leaving an indelible mark on the history of both Azeroth and Draenor and making him a symbol of the catastrophic consequences of alliance with dark forces.

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Thalyssra – World of Warcraft: 

In “World of Warcraft,” particularly in the “Legion” expansion, First Arcanist Thalyssra emerges as a compelling character, embodying resilience, leadership, and the struggle against oppression. A prominent figure among the Nightborne elves of Suramar, Thalyssra initially plays a key role in her people’s alliance with the Burning Legion, an alliance she later regrets and actively works to dismantle. Her character arc is one of redemption and resistance; she leads a rebellion against the Legion’s influence in Suramar, showcasing her strength as a leader and her mastery of arcane magic. Thalyssra’s journey from a desperate survivor, dependent on the Nightwell’s magic for sustenance, to a key ally of the player and a leader in the fight against the Legion, highlights themes of addiction, liberation, and the pursuit of a better future for her people.

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The Necromancer – Guild Wars: 

In the world of “Guild Wars,” the Necromancer stands as a fascinating and strategically complex profession, embodying the dark arts uniquely and engagingly. Known for their ability to manipulate life force and summon the undead, Necromancers in “Guild Wars” are masters of curses, death magic, and blood magic, wielding these powers to control the battlefield and support their allies. Their gameplay revolves around a delicate balance of sacrificing health for greater power, summoning minions from fallen enemies, and debuffing opponents, offering players a tactically rich and varied experience. The aesthetic of the Necromancer, with its dark, gothic overtones, complements their role as practitioners of forbidden arts, adding to the immersive experience of the game. This profession is not just about wielding death as a weapon; it’s about understanding the fine line between life and death, making the Necromancer a compelling choice for players who enjoy a playstyle that combines power, strategy, and a touch of the macabre. 

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Xykon – The Order of the Stick: 

Xykon, a central antagonist in the popular webcomic “The Order of the Stick,” is a character defined by his dark humor and ruthless pursuit of power. As a lich, a powerful undead sorcerer, Xykon combines formidable magical abilities with a sarcastic and often irreverent attitude, making him a uniquely memorable villain in the series. His transition from a living sorcerer to an undead lich is motivated by his desire for immortality and dominance, a theme that resonates throughout his character arc. Xykon’s role in the comic is not just that of a typical villain; he brings a blend of humor and menace, often breaking the fourth wall and playing with the conventions of the fantasy genre. His interactions with other characters, especially the protagonists of “The Order of the Stick,” are filled with witty banter, clever strategies, and displays of raw magical power.

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These necromancers, with their diverse backgrounds and abilities, have become iconic in the world of gaming, each offering a different take on the dark and fascinating art of necromancy. Whether as villains to be defeated or as characters to play, they have left an indelible mark on gaming lore.